Services & Rates

Integrative Therapeutic Massage

30 minutes: $45.00
60 minutes: $90.00
90 minutes: $120.00

Integrative Massage is the application of various hands-on techniques to treat a client's specific areas of dysfunction during a massage session. Active or passive movement of the joints may also be part of the massage. Each session is customized to the individual's preferences and areas of concern. Relaxation and therapeutic methods are used to meet your particular needs.

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Hand & Foot Massage

30 minutes: $45.00
60 minutes: $85.00

Focus work on the hands and feet can often relieve discomfort in other areas of the body, as well. Many people are amazed at how much better these extremities feel afterward. Arms and legs may be included as allowed by the client and as needed, per the therapist. In the 60-minute session, the feet are massaged, then wrapped in hot, moist towels for deep relaxation of the foot muscles. Hot stones may be used at no additional cost in either session. If you are on your feet a lot or work with your hands, even with a computer or with consistent use of a cell phone, this type of work is ideal for you. 

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Classic Mudpack Facial, Hand and Foot Massage

60 minutes: $85.00

Facial Massages are helpful not only in relieving clogged pores and skin blemishes, withdrawing impurities from the skin, and increasing circulation to facial muscles, but also in preventing sagging facial muscles. The facial includes hot towels, scalp and facial massage, neck and shoulder massage, using organic cucumber cleanser, Aztec clay mask, toning, moisturizing, and misting. While the mask is drying, your hands and feet are thoroughly massaged. This therapy is completely relaxing and rejuvenating!


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